Welcome back ELHS students! 9-6-11 

Cool upcoming events: 

    ALLIANCE MOVIE PARTY Friday 6-3-11, 2011, 4-11pm Alliance room.
PRIDE June 2011
Thursday, June 9. 4pm - Float decorating (if we get schools to participate)
Friday June 10th 7:00 pm to 11pm - Youth White Party at the Creole Gallery (Turner Street just North of Grand River in Old Town), $5 per person (under 21), Attire is white
Saturday June 11 10:30 am - line up for Pride march/parade at Adado park next to parking ramp at Gannon building LCC, on Grand Ave.
Saturday June 11 11am-8 pm - festival lot 56 (Fish Ladder corner of Turner and Geand River)
