ELHS Alliance 2011-2012: 
               Welcome back students and members(and new members) of  
                    East lansing High school :) 

the new schedule for meeting times and locations will be posted within the next 3 to four weeks  
The Alliance Site Email is: [email protected]

Alliance Mission Statement: To better the learning environment of all East Lansing High School students by eliminating stereotypes and prejudice against those who are of different sexual orientations through non-threatening education.

Purpose & Values of East Lansing Alliance: To provide a safe, non-biased environment for all high school aged students.  GSA will function as a fun social environment that brings GLBTQ and straight people together through various events, activites, and meetings.  GSA will also be a forum which provokes thought through education and awareness.  GSA recognizes that real understanding comes from the channeling of discussion and welcomes free dialogue amongst all students.  All students are invited to join GSA.  GSA shall not deny any student because of gender, race, religion, creed, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.  Each individual will be treated with respect and dignity.  GSA students will maintain a high level of integrity in all we do.  Teamwork and cooperation is the key to creating a successful future for GSA.  GSA will strive, to the best of its abilities, to provide support by maintaining an open door policy for talk and providing outside resources.  GSA realizes that person-to-person interaction is essential in the establishment of an open, accepting, and inclusive environment at East Lansing High School.

If there are any photos or things that you like to be added to this site, email us and we will post it on the site :) 
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